博世收购U.S. chipmaker TSI 半导体 in Roseville


Update: Bosch’s acquisition of TSI 半导体 closed in August 2023. 点击这里了解更多.

博世计划投资1亿美元.5 billion in semiconductor business for electromobility


  • 博世集团董事长. 斯蒂芬哈: “With this planned investment in the U. S., we are also increasing our semiconductor manufacturing, 在全球范围内.”
  • 半导体产业的第三大支柱:继德国的罗伊特林根和德累斯顿之后, Bosch will in the future also make chips in Roseville, 十大网投官方入口.
  • More chips: with the planned acquisition, 博世将在2030年底前大幅扩大其全球碳化硅半导体产品组合.
  • 电动汽车作为驱动力:SiC芯片可以实现更大的续航里程和更高效的充电.

德国斯图加特 – Bosch is expanding its semiconductor business with silicon carbide chips. The technology company plans to acquire assets of the U.S. chipmaker TSI 半导体, based in Roseville, 十大网投官方入口. 拥有250名员工, the company is a foundry for application-specific integrated circuits, 或asic. 目前, 它主要开发和生产用于移动应用的200毫米硅片芯片, 电信, 能源, 生命科学产业. Over the next years, Bosch intends to invest more than 1.在罗斯维尔工厂投资50亿美元,并将TSI半导体制造设施改造为最先进的工艺. 从2026年开始, 第一批芯片将在基于创新材料碳化硅(SiC)的200毫米晶圆上生产。.

以这种方式, Bosch is systematically reinforcing its semiconductor business, 并将在2030年底之前大幅扩展其全球SiC芯片组合. 最重要的是, 随着全球电动汽车的蓬勃发展,对这种特殊半导体的需求也越来越大. 计划投资的全部范围将在很大程度上取决于通过CHIPS和科学法案获得的联邦资金机会以及加利福尼亚州的官方十大网投网址机会. 博世和TSI半导体已达成协议,不披露交易的任何财务细节, which is subject to regulatory approval.

“With the acquisition of TSI 半导体, 我们正在一个重要的销售市场建立SiC芯片的制造能力,同时也增加了我们的半导体制造, 在全球范围内. 罗斯维尔现有的洁净室设施和专家人员将使我们能够更大规模地生产用于电动汽车的SiC芯片,博士说。. 斯蒂芬哈, the chairman of the Bosch board of management.

“The location in Roseville has existed since 1984. 在近40年的时间里,美国.S. company has built up vast expertise in semiconductor production. 现在,我们将把这些专业知识整合到博世半导体制造网络中,博士说。. 马库斯·海恩, 博世管理董事会成员兼移动解决方案业务部门主席.

“我们很高兴加入一家拥有广泛半导体专业知识的全球运营技术公司. 我们相信,罗斯维尔工厂将成为博世SiC芯片制造业务的重要补充,奥德·塔尔说, TSI半导体的首席执行官.

Acquisition of TSI 半导体 creates new manufacturing capacity

罗斯维尔的新工厂将加强博世的国际半导体制造网络. 从2026年开始, 在重组阶段之后, 首批SiC芯片将在200毫米晶圆上生产,工厂产能约为10个,000平方米 of clean-room space. At an early stage, Bosch invested in the development and production of SiC chips. 自2021年以来, it has been using its own proprietary, 高度复杂的工艺,在斯图加特附近的罗伊特林根工厂大规模生产. In the future, Reutlingen will also produce them on 200-millimeters wafers. 到2025年底, the company will have extended its clean-room space in Reutlingen from roughly 35,000到超过44,000平方米.

“SiC chips are a key component for electrified mobility. By extending our semiconductor operations internationally, we are strengthening our local presence in an important electric vehicle market,海恩说.

Demand for chips for the automotive industry remains high. 博世预计,到2025年,每辆新车平均将集成25个博世芯片. 碳化硅芯片市场也在继续快速增长,平均每年增长30%. The main drivers of this growth are the global boom and ramp-up of electromobility. 在电动汽车中, SiC chips enable greater range and more efficient recharging, as they lose up to 50 percent less 能源. Installed in these vehicles’ power electronics, 平均而言,它们可以确保车辆在一次充电后行驶更长的距离, the possible range is 6 percent greater than with silicon-based chips.

Systematic investments in pivotal semiconductor technology

半导体 are key to the success of all Bosch business areas. The company recognized the potential of this technology early on, and has been producing semiconductors for more than 60 years. 博世是少数几家不仅拥有电子和软件专业知识,而且对微电子技术有着深刻理解的公司之一. 它可以将这种决定性的竞争优势与它在半导体制造方面的实力结合起来. 该技术和服务供应商自1970年以来一直在罗伊特林根制造半导体. They are used both in the automotive sphere and in consumer electronics. Modern electronics in vehicles is also the basis for reducing traffic emissions, 预防道路交通意外, 高效的动力系统. 博世位于德累斯顿的晶圆厂(300毫米晶圆)于2021年7月开始生产. 该晶圆厂投资近10亿欧元,是该公司历史上最大的单笔投资.

In its wafer fabs in Reutlingen and Dresden, Bosch has invested more than 2.5 billion euros in total since 200-millimeter technology was introduced in 2010. 除此之外,还投资了数十亿欧元用于开发微电子技术. Independently of the investment now planned in the United States, 该公司去年夏天宣布,将在欧洲的半导体业务上再投资30亿欧元, 这既是其投资计划的一部分,也是欧盟“欧洲共同关心的微电子和通信技术重要项目”计划的一部分.

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Having established a presence in North America in 1906, today the Bosch Group employs nearly 37,000 associates in more than 100 locations in the region (as of Dec. 31, 2022). 根据2022年的初步数据,博世在美国的综合销售额为150亿美元.S.美国、加拿大和墨西哥. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.博世.我们,www.博世.Ca和WWW.博世.mx. The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology 和服务. It employs roughly 420,000 associates worldwide (as of Dec. 31, 2022). The company generated sales of $93.2022年10亿美元. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: 流动性 Solutions, 工业技术, 消费品, and Energy and Building 科技nology. 作为领先的物联网供应商,博世为智能家居和工业4.0提供创新的解决方案.0,互联移动. Bosch is pursuing a vision of mobility that is sustainable, safe, and exciting. It uses its expertise in sensor technology, 软件, 和服务, 以及自己的物联网云, to offer its customers connected, cross-domain solutions from a single source. 博世集团的战略目标是通过包含人工智能(AI)或在其帮助下开发或制造的产品和解决方案促进互联生活. 博世通过创新的产品和服务,激发人们的热情,改善全球的生活质量. In short, Bosch creates technology that is “Invented for life.博世集团由罗伯特·博世有限公司及其在约60个国家的约440家子公司和区域性公司组成. Including sales and service partners, 博世全球制造, 工程, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. With its more than 400 locations worldwide, the Bosch Group has been carbon neutral since the first quarter of 2020. The basis for the company’s future growth is its innovative strength. At 128 locations across the globe, 博世约有84名员工,800 associates in research and development, 其中超过44个,000人是软件工程师. 在北美,博世拥有约3500名研发人员.

Additional information is available online at www.博世.com, www.物联网.博世.com, www.博世-press.com, www.推特.com/BoschPresse.

汇率:1欧元= 1欧元.0538

在彭博社对博世管理委员会主席的采访中,您可以了解更多有关该投资和博世计划的信息, 斯蒂芬哈.

